$11.25 – $18.75
Pициниол Базовый – самый универсальный из всех наших продуктов – многофункционален. Его можно использовать для питания и защиты кожи, волос, ногтей и слизистых оболочек. Эта биоэмульсия гипоаллергенна и многообразна как по своим преимуществам, так и по применению.
Касторовое масло, Вода, Витамин C, Витамин E, Лецитин
Гигиенический (косметический) уход за сухой кожей
Нанесите несколько капель биоэмульсии (1-5, в зависимости от площади поверхности) на чистую кожу похлопывающими движениями кончиков пальцев. Может использоваться для любого участка тела.
Первая помощь при небольших ожогах, порезах, ссадинах, ушибах и укусах насекомых
Нанесите тонкий слой Базового Рициниола на проблемную область кожи для снятия покраснения и зуда.
Защита от неблагоприятных природных факторов
Смазывать носовые ходы 1-3 раза в день для укрепления слизистых оболочек и усиления их защитных функций.
Уход за кожей головы
Массируйте кожу головы с 5–10 каплями эмульсии раз в неделю. После процедуры вымойте голову.
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5 из 5$11.25 – $18.75 Выберите параметры Этот товар имеет несколько вариаций. Опции можно выбрать на странице товара. -
5 из 5$15.00Original price was: $15.00.$11.25Current price is: $11.25. В корзину -
Ясный Взор
5 из 5$15.00Original price was: $15.00.$11.25Current price is: $11.25. В корзину
Nicole –
I wanted to tell you that I have a problem area on my face that is maybe eczema, a patch of raw red skin that is always flaky. It has been there for over 10 years now and would not get any better with any cortisones or other products.
After using your Classic on the area for about 3 weeks, the flaking was gone and I’m in shock at how it has healed after so many years. I read all of the provided research on Caster Seed oil from your website and I thank you for providing the level of detail.
I have just ordered three of your other products and wanted you to know how well it had worked for me.
Jhanna –
I’ve been using prescription creams for I don’t know how long and it took a toll on my nails, they had dents and my eczema keeps coming back. Then I switched to Riciniol. It has been 4 months and no flare-ups since then. My nails are slowly recovering too! I love it so much ♥
Sukhman Chahal –
I had gotten a cleansing sample for my feet and it is amazing! My feet felt so soft and refreshed, definitely recommend purchasing 🙂
JK (проверенный владелец) –
It’s only been a few weeks, but I have found so many uses for this. Love it to heal dry skin and scrapes. I also used in on my daughters sunburnt lips and giant mosquito bite with great success.
Elizabeth Ortiz (проверенный владелец) –
Amazing product!! I used on my eczema and within days it was gone. Love it for under my eyes and no longer use anything else for my eyes. Will be using this forever now and can’t wait to try the other products. It’s a must have!!
Ali L. (проверенный владелец) –
A great product!
Jaime Mitchell (проверенный владелец) –
I love this product! I have had sore chapped skin from PPE and Riciniol is the only thing that has worked to protect my face without causing breakouts. Constant use of hand sanitizer and hand washing leave me with ripped cuticles and dry hands but when I apply Riciniol they heal quickly. I have also used on my children’s chapped skin and minor cuts with great results.
Nalini Graham (проверенный владелец) –
I used your product on a small burn that I got from my toaster about 2 days ago. The product worked magnificently! Usually when I put ointment on a burn, the burning sensation continues and I’m in quite a bit of discomfort. However, as soon as I put your product on my burn it took away the pain almost immediately and after applying it just 2 times you can’t even tell that I burned myself in the first place!! I am so impressed with this product because I’ve tried other products on my burns (not that I burn myself regularly) but your product really stands out as head and shoulders above the others I’ve used in the past. The other great thing about your product is that a little drop really goes a long way. That little drop fully covered the surface of my burn, so it helps the product to last longer. I am making purchases to give some of my family members because of the positive experience I had! Thank you!!
Lori Fries (проверенный владелец) –
Since I’m working from home now, I’m constantly doing dishes, so the classic really helps keep my hands from drying. I wax my own face since Covid started, so I tried the classic right after waxing, and it calmed the redness down better than the lavender I was previously using, and my skin had no sign of irritation the next day! Anyone who has ever waxed knows the stress it can do to your skin!
katya.tregub (проверенный владелец) –
Between housework and yard work my naturally prone to dryness hands suffer from cracks, chapped skin and general discomfort. Riciniol Classic already helps a great deal, so I am looking optimistic towards the cold winter months!
June Morgado (проверенный владелец) –
My husband and I both have very sensitive and reactionary skin. He struggles the good fight with eczema and I with rosacea. We have found great relief by using the Classic Ricinol as of late. I’ve also used it for hormonal outbreaks as well as mosquitoe bites. It should be a staple in everyone’s magic medicine cabinet:)
A grateful June & Gary
Laura Stubley (проверенный владелец) –
Our whole family uses Riciniol Classic. I use it as a serum before bed especially on sensitive dry patches, my 7 year old had severe chapped lips and this helped soothe them, I have used it on my 18 month olds diaper rash and most recently I have used it to calm insect bites. It’s my go to for everything!
Irina Filippova (проверенный владелец) –
Волшебные свойства Рициниола знаю давно, 20 лет тому назад Рециниол спасал мои руки от раздражения , быстро восстанавливалась обветренная кожа. Насморк проходил в считанные часы.
Я очень рада , что могу снова пользоваться этим продуктом здесь в Канаде. Очень хорошо снимает болевые ощущения на руках после тяжелой физической работы. Прекрасно увлажняет сухую кожу. Быстро заживляются мелкие ранки и синяки.
Убирает пигментные возрастные пятна.
Angela Friesen-Brown (проверенный владелец) –
This product is a go to in our home! Our kids have sensitive skin and love the feeling of it on – no stinging. Incredibly effective in healing dry skin, scrapes/skin irritations, and most recently a sunburn.
vanessa jewett (проверенный владелец) –
We use Riciniol Classic on everything: scratches, scrapes, burns and it heals skin so much faster than anything else I’ve tried.