It has been 4 months and no flare-ups since then.

I’ve been using prescription creams for I don’t know how long and it took a toll on my nails, they had dents and my eczema keeps coming back.

Then I switched to Riciniol.

It has been 4 months and no flare-ups since then.

My nails are slowly recovering too!

I love it so much ♥

Review Source:

Riciniol Bright Eyes Review Don't Buy
Riciniol Youth and Facial Suction cups review I was shocked to see the difference when I tried it first on half of my face. In the photo, the right side is where I cupped first and I saw immediate results. It looked lifted compared to the left side. Riciniol Youth made the cups slide easily. I didn’t get any bruises or too much redness even though it’s my first time trying. It’s so relaxing and smells good too! I love it and will consistently use it to defy gravity 😛
Riciniol Bright Eyes review Obsessed with the texture and feel of this product! It’s so good! I love that it’s unscented and that you only need to use a tiny amount so not only is it affordable but it lasts so long.

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