Castor plant with ricinoleic acid molecule

Chemical Composition of Riciniol Emulsion

Riciniol is an emulsion of castor oil (oil connected to water).

Castor oil is based on ricinoleic acid, which is rarely found in other oils and accounts for 90% of the total oil. It also contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids (fatty acids of monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated class).

It is the specific composition that determines the unique properties of castor oil, and the process of emulsification significantly enhances their efficiency.

In Riciniol, all the biologically active substances of castor oil are exclusively available. They penetrate more easily into tissues, resulting in a quick positive result.

The emulsion “Riciniol” consists of 85.5 % ricinoleic (oxyoleic) carboxylic acid. The rest is oleic, linoleic, stearic and oxystearic fatty acids; phosphatides, lecithin, kefalin, inosinfosfatide; phytosterols; alkaloids; glycosides; tannins; vitamins A, E, C; trace elements; and purified structured water. Ricinoleic acid is unique and predominant in its composition.

Monounsaturated fatty acids make up 94.5% (oxyoleic 85.5, oleic 9%).

They perform the following biological functions:

  • they are components of the membranes of all cells in the body;
  • are the main form of carbon and energy storage;
  • serve as protective barriers against thermal, electrical and physical influences;
  • are part of the protective membranes (against infection and excessive loss or accumulation of water);
  • in some cases are vitamins and hormones

Usually fatty acids are formed in the liver. But there is a special class of essential fatty acids, which are not produced by the body and should come only with food. They are sometimes called vitamin F.

As part of lipids, monounsaturated and essential fatty acids perform many different and vital functions. In particular, they deposit energy, form water-repellent parts of the cell membrane (for example, protect the lung alveoli from sticking together), serve as carriers of essential fat-soluble vitamins, are a plastic material for the synthesis of tissue hormones, cell membranes, as well as in combination with some phospholipids and with the participation of HH group form the so-called sphingomyelins – the basis of myelin membranes and membranes of nerve fibers.

The majority of monounsaturated fatty acids in riciniol (85.5%) are HF-containing fatty acids.

The bio-emulsion fatty acids are more active than other emulsions in helping to restore myelin shells and membranes of nerve fibers in the body. Oxygen of the emulsion “Riciniol”, penetrating into tissues, has an antihypoxic effect – saturates them with oxygen. And the above mentioned group -ON-, itself, being a strong oxidizer, enhances the protective reactions of white blood cells. This helps to destroy any pathogenic microorganisms, regardless of their class of viruses, fungi, homogeneous microflora, etc. – right where they penetrate.


Widely known as plant aids to human immunity. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, styptic effects. They are very disliked by some members of the fungal flora. In addition, they form a protective film on damaged surfaces, reduce swelling and pain syndrome.


Hormone-like substances that have the properties of human steroid hormones: anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edema, painkillers, and others.


Powerful substances that have antitumor, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects.

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Riciniol is not a medicine. It is a hygienic emulsion with a natural healing and prophylactic effect. If you are having health issues, please consult a doctor.

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